Saturday, December 21, 2013

Christmas rush!

Here we are, 4 days to go! So much has been accomplished and yet, still so much to do. At least school is DONE! I love our teachers, truly. I spend a lot of time at our three schools because I love it :) However, some of our teachers really threw me curves this last week with a lot of last minute stuff. On Monday I received letters for "party on Tuesday, please send XYZ" or "party on Thurs/Fri, please send food and gift exchange." Or how about this, I knew we had 2 award ceremonies to go to at the elementary on Friday at 8:30 and 9:30 and then I promised to help with Alyssa's 1st grade party the remainder of the half day. Thursday evening Savannah gives me HER postcard that says "your child is receiving an academic award(s) on Friday at 10:30 am"  So what do I have to do? Tell poor Mrs. S that I can't help with the party after all. I despise backing out of something I said I'd do. I don't hate it as much as I would have hated telling Savannah I was missing her award for a party. Shane and I made it to all 3, we had a great day! Poor Cassandra was at her school taking the last of her finals... bleck!

Today is baking and enjoying being HOME! I am working on a couple of pallet sign projects. Shane is making me some table centerpieces out of some oolllld wood :) He's such a trooper!  I just have to finish writing out the Christmas dinner menu for grocery shopping, clean the house and do laundry. Easy peasy! Well, except for my poor Griffin woke up this morning at 4:12 throwing up in his bed. He's been at it for 4 hours now but it seems to be slowing down. My poor baby, he hasn't been sick in ages and even longer since he's had a tummy issue. I am the LYSOL QUEEN right now! HA!

I start to get a little more reflective this time of year, I guess it's only natural. I know that today I wish that people were a little more tolerant of each other. People are so tense and snappy this time of year, makes me sad. I always feel such a warmth this time of year and I guess it's always my sincere hope that others feel it too. I know, in  my heart, many do. I just seem to encounter the ones at the  other end of the spectrum. Is it that hard to be nice to people? Smile! Wait your turn! Be patient! Don't we preach this to our kids over and over and over throughout their life? At what point do we, as adults, forget that?  I am nice to people because I want to be. I like to be good to people, to help them, smile for no reason, do what I can to make something easier for someone else. I do it because I want to...not because some religious book tells me to, not because I believe it will get me into heaven or whatever other place someone may believe in. I do it because I care. I wish I got that from more people. Maybe that is too much to expect.

Anyway, I'll stop there as I am sure the 2 people reading this have nodded off by now ;)

Pictures soon! I was going to post some now but I just realized that I had uploaded them to the laptop and I'm on the desktop!

TTFN! Merry Christmas!!

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