
Showing posts from November, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

We had a fantastic Thanksgiving! Shane did the turkeys this year..he had tried out the brine from an Alton Brown recipe last year after Thanksgiving and we loved it! It was just as delicious this go around too :) My mom, dad, sis and Elijah came over. Shane's Dad and step-Mom did too! Everyone seemed to have a good time, we ate, played Wii, Mike and Nancy took the kids on a long walk (or two) after dinner. We relaxed, Shane got to watch the Cowboys' game (they even won!) and lay in his recliner after a long day cooking. After everyone went home we zipped up to visit Shane's brother and his wife, family. They do a huge Tgiving feast for 30+ people. She's braver than I am! LOL! We visited with them for a short bit and came back home, passed out in our turkey coma! Today was busy, we kept with our tradition of decorating the house inside and out for Christmas. Shane does a great job with the outside lights :) I worked for about 6 hours inside decorating everything incl

On the mend :) Finally!

Well after a rough road of sickies it appears as though we have turned a corner! Savannah went back to school Monday. Cassandra got knocked down with a 24 hour tummy bug with a high fever. She's better tonight!  Alyssa is good, sinus infection seems to be all gone. Griffin had a flare up but his isn't bad, he's on antibiotics and going strong. I went to the doctor and got stronger meds and steroids because I've been sick so long. We're all doing better and I keep telling myself that as sick as we were has got to buy us some good healthy karma for closer to Christmas, LOL! We are gearing up for Cassandra's bday this weekend. Her friend party was to be a sleep over on Friday night but given all she's been through, we are moving it to the weeked after T-giving weekend. She seems fine with that :) We are still having her family party on Saturday! I have to make my T-giving shopping list and get caught up on a LOT of PTO stuff. I'm behind :( Other than th

Hello November!

Happy Fall!!! I hope everyone had a great Halloween! I know we did! We had Savannah's 10th bday party on Oct. 29th (her actual bday) and it was Halloween themed :) The kids had a great time doing crafts and painting pumpkins! My In-laws had a big Halloween party at their house complete with pumpkin carving, hay wagon rides and a little haunted house! We had a nice weekend and great Halloween parties at school on Monday. Trick or Treating went great, my in-laws and my mom went with us while Shane handed out candy. Since Halloween is Bo's birthday, I took him with us to trick or treat. He was such a good puppy! He was nice to every kid and dog he saw. Shane's birthday was Nov. 2nd. He had a nice at home party with family over. He got some great gifts, had a cookout and his traditional spice cake with cream cheese frosting, lol! AT least he's consistant ;) Other than the birthday rush (Cassandra is 12 on Nov. 20th) we are gearing up for the holidays. We are cooking