Saturday, February 26, 2011


Hello everyone! I have no idea what is up with my computer but I can't get my photo card to load :( so unless you have Facebook, I can't show you pics of the puppies.

Things are rolling along here, keeping busy as usual! Alyssa gets her cast off on Wednesday. I am both excited and petrified. Right now she is safe, contained in a fiberglass cast of protection. We are supposed to be "really careful" for 3 weeks after the cast comes off and I'm not sure how I do that. I mean, ideally, I want to wrap her in bubble wrap and put her in a box but Shane says that's frowned upon. I just hope I can keep her safe and in tact so she can go back to being her old self.

Monday night Griffin has a 1st grade performance at the QC Performing Arts Center. They are doing all Disney songs, we are so excited! He's got his dress shirt, tie and pants all picked out and ready to go! He has a field trip to the Phoenix Zoo on Tuesday.

Savannah and Cassandra are doing well, not much to report really. They are just chugging along at school. Cassandra has a performance on March 11th but she says she doesn't want to go. I will have to dig a little deeper for that one, I love performances! I'm not sure what is holding her back on wanting to go other than embarassment ;)

Our school Spring Fling is Saturday. I am getting a little nuts finishing up last minute preparations. I hope it goes smoothly. I have a great team to work with but I admit I have anxiety that it will flop. I hope I am wrong!

Shane is good, keeping busy at work. He's been downtown a lot as he usually is this time of year. We are all looking forward to Spring Break in March. We are going to try to get the kids out for some day trips to Tombstone or Old Tucson. We also promised Alyssa a trip to Amazing Jakes (indoor carnival rides) when she gets her cast off. So, good things on the horizon!

The puppies are doing great. Potty training is going pretty well. Since Shane finished the backyard fencing and I can just let them out progress has been much faster. We had rain last weekend and with the mud we were back to going out on a leash which equated to many accidents in the house. Once we dried up they snapped right back into shape! They do great at night, no more getting up to take or let them out in the middle of the night.

My Mom's birthday was 2/25. She is on Coronado Island with her honey right  now! What a great way to spend your birthday :)

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