Friday, October 30, 2009

Spirit Week at School

Ok, first off the blog site has changed how you do pictures so I am sorry they are so small. you can click on them individually to see them bigger :)

This was spirit week at school, these pics are from "twin day" which turned into 7 kids dressing the same. Cassandra organized the whole thing with her friend Brooke and 2 other girls and Cassandra included Griffin and Savannah too!

The other pic of Griffin and Shane was just too cute to not post. Cassandra did Griffin's hair for him that day!


Anonymous said...

Cassandra is such a good big sister including the younger ones. Cute pictures. That is a great pic of Griffin and Shane.


fluffyslippers said...

thanks babe :)

my life said...

i can't believe that Alyssa is allowed to go in.. further more I can't believe that she sits well! I couldn't imagine taking Callie in to help now.. I used to when she was tiny

fluffyslippers said...

well i am lucky kristy, the 3 teachers we have are very sibling friendly. they all welcome alyssa into the classroom. savannah's teacher even included her in the treats that other parents brought to the party. he's a doll and i hope griffin gets him for 3rd grade. i also had backup, my mom went too in case alyssa went all nutso!

fluffyslippers said...

ooops, i meant 2nd grade!