Happy Birthday Griffin

Happy Birthday Griffin! I can't believe my baby is 6 years old today at 8:48 pm. Griffin has been a great source of humor, entertainment, love and sometimes frustration in his 6 years of life. It seems so strange that it feels like he was just born yesterday and yet he looks so much older to me. Older than his years, if that makes sense.
Griffin has grown a lot this past year. He is a good brother. He's less of an instigator than he was before. He is protective of his sisters both big and small. He is Alyssa's best friend. He argues with me less. There is still an undying need for bartering when dealing with Griffin but it's less feverish than it used to be. He falls down to a fit less now often :)
He is flourishing in school. He has friends, girlfriends even. He is quite the Cassanova which is a trait he does not get from his father. And that's ok. He is sensitive and caring even when he's making me want to drive an ice pick through my eye. He is quite the entertainer to us all. My "Jim Carrey" in dwarf form. He is everything I could have ever dreamed for him to be. He is brave and kind and cares about others. He still loves motorcycles and tractors. He tells me over and over that "someday Gumpy will take me out to the bar on a motorcycle for my first beer" which I have no idea where he got the part about going to a bar...but it's hilarious still. He's very into legos and building things. I told him maybe he'd be an architect. He asked me if Architects ride Harleys or tractors and I told him "yes and they marry Victoria's Secret models too" so he seems interested in the idea.
So Happy Birthday to my baby and the wonderful boy you are!


my life said…
I swear Carter & Griffin are related they sound so much a like!
How sweet. Happy Birthday to Griffin!

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