Monday, June 14, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Alyssa!

Today is Alyssa's 3rd birthday!

I can't believe Alyssa is 3 already. How fast the time goes by! Alyssa is a funny, outgoing, sassy little girl. She talks so much and so grown up-ish that sometimes I forget I'm talking to a 3 year old. Alyssa loves to color and paint with watercolors. She loves to draw "happies" which are smiley faces with big eyes, donnies in their mouth and "strong legs" and arms. I have a huge stack of "happies" that Alyssa has made for me since school got out on May 27th!

Alyssa loves to watch Toy Story, Racing Stripes, Ice Age (1,2,3) and Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus. She loves to dance and sing. She loves to have her big sister Cassandra put lip gloss on her and "sparkles" on her cheecks. She LOVES to wear pajamas. All day long. We get dressed to go somewhere and as soon as we get home she says "I put jammies back on when we get home?" and I usually say yes ;) because I am a pushover for cuties with blue eyes and blonde curls.

Alyssa also likes to pretend she is the boss. Sometimes I even go along with it ;) She loves to be given choices (what to wear, what to eat, what to watch, what to read) and it's funny to watch her tap her finger against her lips as she says "hmmmmmmm, what do I want to wear?" (or eat, watch, whatever) She loves animals, dogs seem to be her favorite. She's a little leery of the smaller ones but no fear of the big ones (oddly enough). She will ride horses too and 4 wheelers. She likes to ride the lawn mower with Daddy when she gets the chance.

Alyssa is the unofficial PTO mascot at our school. The office staff calls her "Little Miss PTO" and she gets included on a lot of PTO perks ;) Everyone knows her and she knows most everyone there.

We had to postpone Alyssa's birthday party but her Mimi and Gumpy brought over her present so she'd have something on her actual it is


my life said...

perfect! her very own racing zebra!!

Unknown said...

She is just too cute for words!

Unknown said...

Aww she's adorable! :) <3.