
Showing posts from June, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Alyssa!

Today is Alyssa's 3rd birthday! I can't believe Alyssa is 3 already. How fast the time goes by! Alyssa is a funny, outgoing, sassy little girl. She talks so much and so grown up-ish that sometimes I forget I'm talking to a 3 year old. Alyssa loves to color and paint with watercolors. She loves to draw "happies" which are smiley faces with big eyes, donnies in their mouth and "strong legs" and arms. I have a huge stack of "happies" that Alyssa has made for me since school got out on May 27th! Alyssa loves to watch Toy Story, Racing Stripes, Ice Age (1,2,3) and Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus. She loves to dance and sing. She loves to have her big sister Cassandra put lip gloss on her and "sparkles" on her cheecks. She LOVES to wear pajamas. All day long. We get dressed to go somewhere and as soon as we get home she says "I put jammies back on when we get home?" and I usually say yes ;) because I am a pushover for cuties wi

Happy Anniversary

June 6, 1998 was our wedding day. Little did I know when we picked the date it was "D Day" in history. At the rehersal two days before the wedding, Shane finally let that tidbit out and I panicked for a moment. I wondered if I picked a cursed date? Thankfully, over the last 12 years we have proved that it was a wonderful date to have. Shane and I met in August 1991 in Mr. Bushong's class at Gilbert High School. I was a senior, he was a junior. I knew from the first real converstaion we had that he was someone special. We dated from January 1992, got engaged in 1996, married in 1998. We survived seperate college, work, the regular ups and downs. Things that may have made other couples crumble only seemed to bring us closer. It's not to say we are perfect but we are perfect for each other. We have made a great life, kept dear friends, survived some ups and downs and even when the road got steep we found that if we helped each other up the slope it was easier in th

Last day of school

Griffin's Kinder class! We were doing freeze dance to Ms. Cummins' golden oldies! Griffin and his buddies Christian and Shane Ms. C and Griffin Griffin and Ashton Griffin and friend  Grifffin, Madison and Ashli Griffin and friends at lunch Griffin and Alyssa enjoying lunch :) Griffin and Mrs. Landon, music director Griffin and Coach Stowers! Griffin and Joe! Savannah and friends  My PTO BFF Angela and Mrs. Bernier Cassandra's class, Mr. Kaesler Griffin's Kinder Graduation Picture

Kinder Graduation!

Our totally cute crew! Outside the QC Performing Arts Center for Kinder Grad Daddy and the kiddos Me and my sweet loves Typical Griffin Daddy and Griffin...Alyssa crashed the pic LOL Savannah Cassandra Griffin and his buddy Philip The family there to see Griffin perform Auntie Ms. Cummins is the 3rd from your left Griffin and Ms. Cummins Mrs. Landon (music director) and Griffin Griffin and Alyssa and his new XBOX Game Griffin, Alyssa and his Cupcake Cake! We had a wonderful time at Griffin's Kinder graduation! He performed beautiful songs and had a great time with his family partying at Serrano's afterwards! I am so proud of him and all is accomplishments!