
Bam, it's 2024!

 I've said it before and I'll say it again...I forget this blog exists. How is it that I remember the login for something I visit every 2-5 years but not something I signed up for last week? My brain is a wonderful and confusing thing ;)  My mind is a whirlwind...where to start? The kids are always the best place to start, so let's go there. If you can believe it...Cassandra is 24 and a college graduate! She has a fantastic job with an amazing boss who shows her what an intelligent, strong woman can do in their industry. I am so thankful she has such an amazing role model. Cassandra spent 2 years living in DC working for a lobbying firm and came back to Arizona in 2022 (I think? Time does this weird thing where I loose a month or a year from time to time) and she is now in a rental house with Griffin who is almost 21 (September!) and working at a construction company as a mechanic apprentice. He is doing well, learning how to be an adulty adult and navigating what I conside

Wow, time sure did fly!

 I have to be honest, I forget this blog even exists at times. So here we are, 2022. Let's see, the kids are now 22, 20, 18 and 15 years old. How did that happen? I don't even know. I blinked and all of a sudden, I've got 2 in college, 1 just graduated HS and one becoming a sophomore in HS. All is well, I can't complain because who would listen anyway ;)  I don't know how many times we've moved since my last post because I forgot to look at the date of my last post. Anyway, we moved out of the "city" that wasn't the city when we moved there years ago. We have relocated to a small rural town where we are on 3 acres with a horse, 5 blm donkeys (that's bureau of land management for those who don't know) and 4 adopted pitbulls. One of our horses had to be put down a few months ago, she was 30+ years old and had started to decline rapidly. It was so sad but we gave her the best 4 years we could since getting her from a rescue. I had pet cows (Ho

My Impala

I have very little to say other than I'm in love with  her more every time I drive her! Yes, transformation will begin in the near future but for now I just love her in her original state. 26K orig miles on her, not bad for a '68! I'm still working on my custom license's harder to decide than I thought it would be. A great problem to have! So, less talk and more pics..

Random June 2017

Well, it's hot. Damn hot! 112 degrees to be exact and they are anticipating 120 degrees on Tuesday! In other news, I finished 10 days of Real Estate school! I have a couple of mandatory exams to pass and then I can be a licensed Realtor :) I'm pretty excited about this new adventure! There was a lot of information to absorb over those 10 days in class and I haven't studied that much since college, this was definitely an eye opener at this stage of life. The housing market is hot and I've been interested in this for quite some time but I wanted the kids to be a bit older before I attempted this type of profession. I hope that I'll be fully licensed by the time school starts for the kids on July 25th. Speaking of the kids....HOLY WOW, Alyssa just turned 10! I can't believe this, we've got all double digit kids now. I remember thinking about this years ago and it seemed so far off...wrong. It was here in the blink of an eye. Alyssa  had a great party, we d

More 2017

Does anyone out there know how to change the blog background? The method has changed and no online searches have helped :( Anyway...more pics

Hello 2017

What a kick in the ass it's been for 2017! We had a wonderful Christmas! We celebrated with our family and extended families throughout our two and a half weeks off! Prior to Christmas, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We also enjoyed a week on Coronado Island for Shane's water conference at the Hotel Del Coronado. That has got to be one of our favorite places in the world. I successfully campaigned for a seat on the QCUSD Governing School Board. There were 3 seats available, 6 candidates. It was an ugly race but we won! I was so thankful to have so much love and support throughout the whole process. I was sworn in at the January 10th Board Meeting and have enjoyed my board member training with the ASBA and look forward to my Board Retreat at our school district office this week. We have a lot to face with overcrowding and hypergrowth in our area! The kids are great, Cassandra is 17 and a junior, Savannah is 15 and a freshman, Griffin is 13 and in 7th grade, Alyssa is 9