Saturday, October 9, 2010

October Pictures 2010

here are some pictures from October so far!

 Savannah got a new haircut!
 Griffin's haircut, no more chia-pet look
 he's a ham
 Savannah and her friend Sammy trying to steal the brownie cookie bars we baked together
 They have been friends since kinder, they live on our street even!
 Alyssa having her morning coffee. She's a lightweight, she needs an ice cube in hers ;)

 Feeling the buzz already, I couldn't get a steady shot of her

 Me and Shane on our way to the zoo fundraiser


my life said...

love that Alyssa gets her own coffee.. i would never give Callie any.. maybe a sip or 2 but she doesn't need the extra "buzz"

Griffin has my ♥... he could be Carter's twin!

fluffyslippers said...

it only happens once in a great while (the coffee) and i don't see where it makes much difference honestly LOL

the deleted comment musta been a doozie ;)

fluffyslippers said...

LMAO kristy, i didn't know you posted the other comment too ;)